Is "Disaster Movie" the worst film of all-time?
"Disaster Movie" is currently the lowest rated movie of all-time on The film has earned an average of 1.2 stars out of 10. This is a clear statement that movie-goers are tired of these parodies. Personally, I feel that of all the "[Insert word] Movie" films that were made, only "Scary Movie" and "Scary Movie 2" were decent. They were far from comedy classics, but they relied more on jokes than pop culture references and gags that go on way too long. Honestly, I will never see "Disaster Movie." I'd rather watch Bea Arthur water her plants for two hours. But in all seriousness, is it really the worst movie of all-time? I'm sure more than half the people who gave it such a low rating on IMDB never even saw it. How are terrible films that many did see, like "Ballistic: Ecks vs. Sever" or "Speed 2: Cruise Control," not the worst? Other movie review Web sites such as and don't even have "Disaster Movie" in their top TEN worst movies of all-time. Here are the top (or bottom) tens from all three Web sites: IMDB EVERYONE'S A CRITIC ROTTEN TOMATOES Looking through these lists, I can honestly say that I would rather watch "Disaster Movie" than a few of these. My point is that people shouldn't totally dismiss a film until they endure it. I don't have to see "Disaster Movie" to know it's bad, but I do have to see it to know if it's the worst. Another thing I noticed is that of the 29 movies on this list ("Alone in the Dark" is on two lists), 26 of them were made after 2000. This means two things. The first is that these Web sites have grown in popularity over the last eight years so, of course, movies that come out during that time will be reviewed more frequently than older movies. The second thing is that Hollywood has, unfortunately, been executing the "let's throw all the crap against the wall that we possibly can and see if any of it sticks" method of production during this decade. This has resulted in several stinkers and Razzie award winners. All I'm trying to say is that some discretion and thought would be nice. I can't imagine there was someone out there saying to themselves, "I'll just die if they don't make 'SuperBabies: Baby Geniuses 2,' I'll just die!" So why was it made? There is only one logical reason for why terrible projects like "Disaster Movie" and "SuperBabies" get the green light. It is because they are so cheapily made, that they are bound to make a profit in DVD sales Source: StjoeliveFor those of you who are sick of parody movies from directors Jason Friedberg and Aaron Seltzer such as "Date Movie," "Epic Movie," "Meet the Spartans," and the new "Disaster Movie," here is something that should make you feel just a little happier.
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